AI agent that finds
Financial Discrepancies

Dennis improves profitability by flagging & fixing high-dollar value issues

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100+ companies use WiseLayer's AI workers

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Each of our AI workers automate a specific complex task performed by finance & accounting teams. Let WiseLayer’s AI agents complete these processes for you, so you can focus on strategic priorities.

Dennis: AI Agent for Discrepancies

Dennis, the AI agent, identifies and resolves financial discrepancies with speed and accuracy. Simplify your financial management by ensuring consistency and eliminating errors effortlessly.

$170,000+ increase to client's ARR, by ensuring every invoice was for the full and proper amount as reflected in the contract, which was confirmed by AI.

- SaaS company

$236,000+ in recurring invoices flagged as not-yet-sent, by flagging
these unsent recurring invoices & allowing the client to send them out only days after expected.

- Manufacturing firm

$24,000+ payment issues caught & resolved by finding many instances where a vendor had duplicate profiles in the client’s ERP, causing duplicate payments to be sent out.

- Real Estate company

$46,000+ in under-invoiced fees flagged and recovered, by flagging a temporary discount that was accidentally kept on the invoice well past its intended expiration.

- Consulting firm

Let our AI agent find your financial discrepancies

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See how it works

Looking for AI to increase productivity,
but don't know where to start?

Our AI agents are ideal for you. They're quick-to-start, easy-to-use, and 100% secure.
AI that shows its work
See all of the AI's analysis in 1-click. Nothing is a black box.
AI that shows its work
See all of the AI's analysis in 1-click. Nothing is a black box.
AI that behaves like an analyst
Talk to AI like it's a human analyst and it will further personalize the alerts it sends you.
AI that behaves like an analyst
Talk to AI like it's a human analyst and it will further personalize the alerts it sends you.
AI that thoughtfully emails you
Get the highest-value alerts sent to your email via recurring digest.
AI that thoughtfully emails you
Get the highest-value alerts sent to your email via recurring digest.
AI that helps you delegate
1-click auto-generated emails summarizing any issue, so you can delegate.
AI that helps you delegate
1-click auto-generated emails summarizing any issue, so you can delegate.
AI that shows its work
See all of the AI's analysis in 1-click. Nothing is a black box.
Up & running quickly
We handle the set up for you, then our AI agent starts working
AI that behaves like an analyst
Talk to AI like it's a human analyst and it will further personalize the alerts it sends you.
300+ integrations
Instant connections into every major finance tool (e.g. ERPs, billing, P2P, HRIS &more)
AI that thoughtfully emails you
Get the highest-value alerts sent to your email via recurring digest.
Top security standards
SOC2 Type 2, HIPAA (for HC clients), full data segregation & more
AI that helps you delegate
1-click auto-generated emails summarizing any issue, so you can delegate.
Live 24/7 customer support
Our (human) customer success team is always available to help

WiseLayer’s team has built financial tools for hundreds of companies during the past decade, from the growth-stage firms to the Fortune 500

We realized that in any AI or ML analytics model, the client cared most about the items that had measurable financial impact. Some issues were universal across all businesses (e.g. flagging expenses that were likely overcharged), whereas others issues were unique to certain industries. So we created WiseLayer to allow all companies to access the most powerful AI-driven alerts that can protect them from financial issues.

Get the same analytics used by the Fortune 500, but affordable and out-of-the-box

All WiseLayer apps are built by certified systems experts, providing insights that match the quality you’d expect from top consultants and analysts

Flag & mitigate risks at each customer by profitability, growth & more
Understand your best and worst customers in order to take the best proactive actions
See expense areas that are increasing at a higher-than-expected rate, to take proactive action

WiseLayer has apps for most enterprise SaaS tools and ERPs, with more added all the time

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Our 4 newest AI workers do the following tasks:

  • Bank reconciliations, by Rick the AI agent
  • D&A (fixed assets), by Diana the AI agent
  • Lease accounting, by Lisa the AI agent
  • Prepaid expenses, by Preston the AI agent
Learn more

Meet WiseLayer’s full team of AI workers

Learn More
Accruals & Rev Rec,
by Angela
by Rick
D&A (fixed assets),
by Diana
Lease Accounting,
by Lisa
by Preston
by Dennis
Contact us for additional information
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